
Kisses From A Dragon - A Merlin FanFic

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Arthur Pendragon stared at the blank notebook in front of him and sighed. The harsh shush of the librarian reminded him of his location, and he had to force himself to stay quiet. 

Irritation coursed through his veins, causing him to sigh again, although not as loud as before. He pushed the chair backwards to allow him room to stand. The scrape of metal on tile rang painfully in his ears. Again, the librarian scolded him, to which he sent an icy look.

He moved away from the table, past her desk (making sure to swagger as he neared her) and towards the endless rows of shelving.

The smell of old and new books alike, filled Arthur's nostrils. Dust motes swirled lazily in the streams of afternoon sunlight that filtered in through full length windows. The warmth and comfortable silence made him drowsy.

After the slight delay, Arthur found the shelf he was looking for. Now, all he had to do was find the book... He bit his lower lip frustratedly as his eyes scanned the titles. The words merging into each other.

Without warning, a book began to slide backwards as though pulled by a mysterious force. Arthur double-checked. It was the book he wanted.

His arm shot out, grasping for the spine. He took a firm hold and pulled back.

There was a loud thump as the contester lost the battle and tumbled forward into the cold metal frame.

Arthur held the book aloft, as though he had won a prize. There was a sound of disapproval and a pair of sapphire eyes stared at him.

He snorted his defiance and waited for whoever it was to show themselves. It wasn't normal to be skulking behind books...

Eventually, the culprit emerged, looking slightly annoyed and very ruffled. His mop of jet-black hair stuck up on end in every direction possible.

Arthur noted the teen's clothes; a white hoodie with the words 'Monteriggioni 1499' emblazoned in bright red. In the middle, between 1499 was the most peculiar symbol he had ever seen.

Arthur frowned slightly and allowed his eyes to continue their descent; they were greeted with faded blue jeans that looked a little worn at the knees, and red Converse All Stars.

The hoodie shuffled uncomfortably and pointed to the book "I had that first" he stated dryly in the sultriest Irish accent Arthur had ever heard.

Tingles of pleasure ran up the blond's spine, tiny hairs stood up as though electrified, before the whole sensation rushed back down his body, smacking him full force in the gut.

Arthur swallowed with difficulty, for his throat had gone dry, his tongue felt swollen and his palms were sweaty.

"Excuse me, could I have that back please? I need it for notes..." the raven-haired teen tapped his foot impatiently on the floor. 

Arthur weakly shook his head. He could feel the blood rushing to his groin and cheeks. The hoodie looked slightly miffed now...

"What do you mean 'no'? I need this book for an important essay" his voice raised an octave as he fought the urge not to shout.

Arthur bit his lip worriedly before plucking up the courage to speak "I need it too" was his lame reply, louder than the level intended.

A loud shush, no doubt from the long-suffering librarian, interrupted them both. Making them think about the correct tone to be used.

Arthur dropped his voice to a whisper, still harsher than intended. "You'll just have to wait your turn"

"Look, Arthur. I need this book now." the teen pleaded.

Arthur's jaw dropped "H-how do you know my name?"

"It's on your name tag." he said dryly with a roll of his eyes. He continued before Arthur could stop him. "Besides, everyone's heard of you..."

Arthur snapped back "What? So you're my stalker?"

The teen scoffed "You wish..."

If looks could kill, then the teen would be ash by now. He kept his gaze on Arthur, undeterred by the look he was receiving.

"Have I done something wrong to offend you?"

"Nope, try again..."

"Do you know my Father?"

"Well, if I know you, I've certainly heard of him..."

"No need to get sarcastic... Did he send you?"

"What? Of course he didn't."

Arthur ran a hand through his hair in frustration, he was getting nowhere fast. He eyed the teen warily, carefully selecting a question in his head. "Do you want to come round mine? We can both make notes"

"Ah, at last... I wondered when you were going to see some sense. Sure" The teen gave him a grin and held out his hand. "My name's Merlin, by the way"

Arthur shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Merlin. I think..."


Arthur fumbled with the key to his dormitory room, while trying not to drop the stack of books he was carrying. It had turned out, that Merlin had realised that one book was simply not enough to cover the essay.

"Why don't you let me hold them for you!?" Merlin asked, a tone of impatience in his voice.

"Because you'd drop them. Probably on your feet. Then I'd have to take you to the campus nurse" Arthur retorted as the key slid into the lock.

Arthur had noticed that on the journey to here, Merlin was very clumsy and accident prone; he had knocked over someone's bike, then proceeded to trip over it.

Merlin tapped his foot on the floor. "Well you could at least let me get the door for you"

"No. You'd only get the key stuck in the lock. Or worse, the handle could break off and we'd be locked out" Arthur teased.

"Hey, look, I can function you know. I'm not completely useless" There was a slight tone of hurt this time.

Arthur said nothing and twisted the key. He cursed when he remembered that he would need to push the handle down.

Merlin rolled his eyes and reached over. He firmly pushed down and accidentally brushed Arthur's hand with his long fingers.

For the second time that day, Arthur was shocked. He was completely mesmerised, and possibly aroused. Although, he wouldn't accept the second fact.

Merlin sighed and placed his hand on Arthur's, which he then manipulated and forced the blonde's wrist to turn.

The door clicked, but none made a move. Merlin couldn't if he tried, as Arthur was blocking his way. Arthur, meanwhile, was drifting off into space; his mind reeling over what had just happened.

Merlin stepped closer, and for a moment Arthur though that he was going to make a move on him. The raven-haired teen kept coming, until there was no distance between them.

Arthur felt his lips instinctively purse; he could smell Merlin's scent - a mixture of wood, moss and cut grass. The final straw was when he began to drool...

Merlin, however, was focusing on getting into the room, and he would do it by any means possible... He placed a hand on Arthur's chest and gave him a gentle push.

Without thinking, Arthur automatically backed up, causing the door to swing open. The pair fell to the floor with a thump and a tangle of limbs.

Merlin could say that he was lucky, for the muscular blonde broke his fall. Although, judging by the erection pressing into his stomach, this was not going to be a comfortable moment between them both.

He could see that the blond's grey-blue eyes were dilated, and chuckled to himself. He sat upright, before turning slightly and flicked the door closed with the tips of his fingers.

Arthur numbly realised that he had a weight pressing down on him. Ok, it was a featherweight, but a weight all the same.

As his eyes unclouded, he noticed that it was Merlin who was sat on him. The raven haired teen grinned down at him, unfazed by the effect he was having on Arthur.

After what seemed an eternity, Merlin casually rolled off and gathered up the scattered books. Arthur lay there in silence, as though rooted to the spot. The silence was occasionally disturbed by the slapping sound of a book hitting another.

When he decided that it was ok to sit upright, Arthur was greeted by the sight of Merlin stretched out on the floor, every book was opened and arranged in a semi-circle.

The raven-haired teen had placed two notebooks out and two pens. His own was trapped in his pursed lips, which instantly made Arthur fantasize of what else could be trapped between them...

Merlin looked sidelong at him; it was innocent yet coy, and that damn pen sticking out of his mouth distracted Arthur. It was the final straw when he sucked the pen.

Arthur's mind reeled with a thousand and one scenarios that could happen between them both. He sat there, aroused and dazed, overwhelmed by desire. He shuffled closer and reached for the pen. It came away with a moist plop. Merlin pursed his lips in annoyance, to which Arthur simply covered them with his own...
A FanFic I am currently writing, shall be posted on here before I put it on

I do not own Merlin or Arthur, they belong to the BBC.
© 2012 - 2024 Kimba-The-Hedgehog
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